Contract boundaries

For the purpose of measurement of liabilities, the value of financial flows within the contract boundaries is estimated. Contract boundaries cover the period during which the Group is obliged to provide the services covered by the insurance contract. This period may arise from premiums already paid or premiums in respect of which the insured may be liable to pay. Cash flows are treated as flows within the contract boundaries if they result from the insurance cover provided during the above period, even if the physical payment goes beyond the contract boundaries.
The service obligation defining the contract boundaries expires when there is a realistic possibility of a risk reassessment and tariff change. If there is no such practical possibility, the measurement of liabilities includes all future expected premiums.
In the Group the contract boundary approach is largely consistent with the Solvency II measurement approach used to date. The exceptions are contract boundaries applied in unit-linked products, where the guidelines for future cash flows derived from the “KNF Office’s Position on the Contract Boundary for the Purpose of Determining Insurance or Reinsurance Liabilities” are used for measurement for the needs of Solvency II. In contrast, for the needs of IFRS 17, in unit-linked products with regular premiums, the future premium is modelled in accordance with the policyholder’s liabilities described in the general terms and conditions of insurance and in the policy.