Discounting and adjustment for non-financial risk

The Group uses discount rate curves determined under the bottom-up approach (IFRS 17 paragraph B80), which assumes that discount curves will be determined as liquid risk-free rate curves.
Base discount curves are set at risk-free discount rates published by EIOPA. As part of the simplification adopted, no illiquidity premium was applied.
The Group includes a risk adjustment for non-financial risks in the measurement of insurance contracts. Due to the different risk characteristics for the portfolio of life and non-life insurance and for the future flows arising from the liabilities of payable claims and those arising from the remaining insurance period, the adjustment for non-financial risk for these liabilities is estimated independently.
For non-life insurance, the adjustment for future coverage is determined using the Value at Risk (VaR) method, using a modified SCR calculation according to the Solvency II standard formula. Two approaches are used to determine the adjustment for the loss reserve: the VaR method analogous to the approach for future coverage and the bootstrap method.
For life insurance, for liabilities arising from the remaining insurance period, the adjustment is determined using the cost of capital (CoC) method, and for liabilities for payable claims using the bootstrap method. The risk adjustment for non-financial risks at the entity level is determined as a simple sum of adjustments determined at the level of individual groups of contracts or business lines, and diversification is taken into account when determining the level of materiality at the entity level (bottom-up approach). At the Group level, the adjustment for non-financial risk is determined as a simple sum of adjustments for individual entities, and diversification between entities is not taken into account.