2022 Annual Report

20. Gains/(losses) on financial transactions

2022 Annual Report

Accounting policies

The net gain/(loss) on financial transactions includes gains and losses arising from disposal of financial instruments designated as financial assets / liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss and the effect of their measurement at fair value. This item also includes the ineffective portion of cash flow hedges in the case of hedging strategies in which IRS contracts are the hedging instrument, as well as gains and losses on the hedging instrument and hedged item relating to the hedged risk (fair value hedges).

Related notes

Financial information

Financial instruments held for trading, of which: 400 221
Derivatives1 400 219
Equity instruments (2) 4
Debt securities 2 (2)
Financial instruments not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss, of which: (26) (126)
Equity instruments 11
Debt securities 8 (15)
Loans and advances to customers (45) (111)
Hedge accounting (16) (31)
Total 358 64
1 Of which due to stock options and stock exchange indices PLN 212 million (PLN 25 million in 2021).

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