48. Contingent liabilities and off-balance sheet liabilities received and granted

Accounting policies:
As part of its operations, the Group enters into transactions that are not recognised as assets or liabilities in the statement of financial position when concluded but give rise to contingent liabilities. In accordance with IAS 37, the contingent liability is:
- a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Group entities;
- a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised in the statement of financial position because it is not probable that an outflow of cash or other assets will be required to settle the obligation, or the amount of the obligation (liability) cannot be measured
For the principles of recognising provisions for off-balance sheet commitments granted, see the note „Provisions”.
Upon initial recognition financial guarantee agreements are stated at fair value. In subsequent periods, as at the balance sheet date, financial guarantees are measured at the higher of:
- allowances for expected credit losses; or
- the amount of commission recognized initially, less accumulated amortization in accordance with IFRS
Financial information
Securities programmes covered with underwriting agreements (maximum group’s commitment to take up securities)
As at 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021, no underwriting agreements have been entered into.
Contractual commitments
intangible assets | 81 | 19 |
property, plant and equipment | 141 | 115 |
Total | 222 | 134 |
Financial and guarantee commitments granted
FINANCIAL AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS GRANTED 31.12.2022 | Total | Provisions per IFRS 9 | Net carrying amount |
Credit lines and limits | 70 380 | (590) | 69 790 |
real estate | 3 683 | (21) | 3 662 |
business | 52 455 | (414) | 52 041 |
consumer | 10 650 | (155) | 10 495 |
in respect of factoring | 2 749 | – | 2 749 |
in respect of finance leases | 843 | – | 843 |
Other | 2 825 | – | 2 825 |
Total financial commitments granted, including: | 73 205 | (590) | 72 615 |
irrevocable commitments granted | 30 579 | (301) | 30 278 |
POCI | 5 | (1) | 4 |
Guarantees and sureties granted | |||
guarantees in domestic and foreign trading | 10 578 | (236) | 10 342 |
to financial entities | 2 735 | – | 2 735 |
to non-financial entities | 7 772 | (236) | 7 536 |
to public entities | 71 | – | 71 |
domestic municipal bonds (state budget entities) | 315 | – | 315 |
letters of credit to non-financial entities | 1 514 | (7) | 1 507 |
payment guarantees to financial entities | 71 | – | 71 |
Total guarantees and sureties granted, including: | 12 478 | (243) | 12 235 |
irrevocable commitments granted | 4 812 | (234) | 4 578 |
performance guarantee | 3 640 | (203) | 3 437 |
POCI | 284 | (5) | 279 |
Total financial and guarantee commitments granted | 85 683 | (833) | 84 850 |
FINANCIAL AND GUARANTEE COMMITMENTS GRANTED 31.12.2021 | Total | Provisions per IFRS 9 | Net carrying amount |
Credit lines and limits | 65 732 | (415) | 65 317 |
real estate | 5 265 | (19) | 5 246 |
business | 46 941 | (303) | 46 638 |
consumer | 10 698 | (93) | 10 605 |
in respect of factoring | 2 116 | – | 2 116 |
in respect of finance leases | 712 | – | 712 |
Other | 2 670 | – | 2 670 |
Total financial commitments granted, including: | 68 402 | (415) | 67 987 |
irrevocable commitments granted | 22 374 | (190) | 22 184 |
POCI | 14 | (1) | 13 |
Guarantees and sureties granted | |||
guarantees in domestic and foreign trading | 10 088 | (256) | 9 832 |
to financial entities | 2 288 | – | 2 288 |
to non-financial entities | 7 774 | (256) | 7 518 |
to public entities | 26 | – | 26 |
domestic municipal bonds (state budget entities) | 408 | – | 408 |
Letters of credit to non-financial entities | 1 238 | (4) | 1 234 |
payment guarantees to financial entities | 65 | – | 65 |
Total guarantees and sureties granted, including: | 11 799 | (260) | 11 539 |
irrevocable commitments granted | 5 100 | (255) | 4 845 |
performance guarantee | 3 389 | (203) | 3 186 |
POCI | 45 | (2) | 43 |
Total financial and guarantee commitments granted | 80 201 | (675) | 79 526 |
For more information on credit risk exposures, see note “Credit risk – financial information”.
Nominal value of commitments granted by maturity
COMMITMENTS GRANTED BY MATURITY AS AT 31.12.2022 | up to 1 month (inclusive) | 1 to 3 months (inclusive) | 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) | 1 year to 5 years inclusive | more than 5 years | Total |
commitments granted – financial | 14 588 | 5 101 | 26 792 | 18 860 | 7 864 | 73 205 |
commitments granted – guarantees and sureties | 519 | 937 | 4 098 | 4 632 | 2 292 | 12 478 |
Total | 15 107 | 6 038 | 30 890 | 23 492 | 10 156 | 85 683 |
COMMITMENTS GRANTED BY MATURITY AS AT 31.12.2021 | up to 1 month (inclusive) | 1 to 3 months (inclusive) | 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) | 1 year to 5 years inclusive | more than 5 years | Total |
commitments granted – financial | 12 663 | 4 674 | 24 479 | 16 441 | 10 145 | 68 402 |
commitments granted – guarantees and sureties | 466 | 1 855 | 3 336 | 3 792 | 2 350 | 11 799 |
Total | 13 129 | 6 529 | 27 815 | 20 233 | 12 495 | 80 201 |
Off-balance sheet liabilities received
Financial | 110 | 258 |
Guarantees | 9 516 | 7 331 |
Total | 9 626 | 7 589 |