2022 Annual Report

61. Forbearance practices

2022 Annual Report

Forbearance is defined by the Group as actions aimed at amending contractual terms agreed with a debtor or an issuer, forced by the debtor’s or issuer’s difficult financial situation (restructuring activities introducing concessions that otherwise would not have been granted). The aim of forbearance activities is to restore a debtor’s or an issuer’s ability to settle their liabilities towards the Group and to maximize the efficiency of non-performing loans management,

i.e. obtaining the highest possible recoveries while minimizing the costs incurred. Forbearance changes in repayment terms may consist of:

  • dividing the debt due into instalments;
  • changing the repayment scheme (annuity payments, degressive payments);
  • extending the loan period;
  • changing the interest rate;
  • changing the margin;
  • reducing the

As a result of concluding a forbearance agreement and repaying the amounts due under it on a timely basis, a non- performing loan becomes a performing loan.

The provision of facilities within the framework of forbearance, as a premise of impairment, results in the recognition of the premise of impairment and the classification of the credit exposure into the portfolio of exposures at risk of impairment.

The inclusion of such exposures in the portfolio of performing exposures (discontinuing recognition of the forbearance agreement as an impairment trigger) takes place at least 12 months after the introduction of forbearance, provided that all payments in arrears and at least six scheduled payments have been made by the customer and, in the Group’s opinion, the current situation of the customer does not pose a threat to their compliance with the terms of the restructuring agreement (except where the forbearance agreement comprises reducing the receivables).

Exposures cease to meet the criteria of a forborne exposure when all of the following conditions are met:

  • at least 24 months have passed from the date of including the exposure into the portfolio of performing exposures (conditional period);
  • as at the end of the conditional period referred to above, the customer has no debt towards the Group overdue for more than 30 days;
  • at least 12 instalments have been repaid on a timely basis and in the amounts

Forborne exposures are monitored on an on-going basis. Throughout the whole period of their recognition allowances are recognized for these exposures in the amount of expected losses over the life horizon of the exposure.

31.12.2022 Instruments with modified terms and conditions Refinancing Total gross Impairment losses Total, net
Performing exposures
Not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 12 12 12
consumer loans 12 12 12
Measured at amortized cost: 755 2 757 (57) 700
housing loans 213 213 (12) 201
business loans 350 2 352 (24) 328
consumer loans 103 103 (13) 90
finance lease receivables 89 89 (8) 81
Total performing exposures 767 2 769 (57) 712
Non-performing exposures
Not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 74 74 74
consumer loans 29 29 29
corporate bonds 45 45 45
Measured at fair value through OCI: 374 374 2 376
corporate bonds 374 374 2 376
Measured at amortized cost: 1 754 45 1 799 (856) 943
housing loans 356 356 (251) 105
business loans 1 200 42 1 242 (554) 688
consumer loans 176 3 179 (40) 139
factoring receivables 7 7 (2) 5
finance lease receivables 15 15 (9) 6
Total non-performing exposures 2 202 45 2 247 (854) 1 393

31.12.2021 Instruments with modified terms and conditions Refinancing Total gross Impairment losses Total, net
Performing exposures
Not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 13 13 13
consumer loans 13 13 13
Measured at amortized cost: 706 1 707 (66) 641
housing loans 266 266 (25) 241
business loans 358 1 359 (27) 332
consumer loans 82 82 (14) 68
Total performing exposures 719 1 720 (66) 654
Non-performing exposures
Not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 193 193 193
consumer loans 39 39 39
corporate bonds 154 154 154
Measured at fair value through OCI: 397 397 (52) 345
corporate bonds 397 397 (52) 345
Measured at amortized cost: 2 280 48 2 328 (1 165) 1 163
housing loans 464 464 (266) 198
business loans 1 588 46 1 634 (857) 777
consumer loans 158 2 160 (32) 128
finance lease receivables 70 70 (10) 60
Total non-performing exposures 2 870 48 2 918 (1 217) 1 701

Recognized interest income on forborne loans and advances granted to customers 143 87

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