2022 Annual Report

66.1. Contractual cash flows from the Group’s financial liabilities, including derivative financial instruments

2022 Annual Report

Contractual cash flows from the financial liabilities, excluding derivative financial instruments

The amounts disclosed comprise non-discounted future cash flows, both in respect of principal and interest (if applicable), in accordance with the contract, for the entire period to the date of the liability’s maturity. Where the party to whom the Group has a liability is able to select the settlement deadline, it has been assumed that the earliest date on which the Group is obliged to settle the liability shall be taken into account. Where the Group is obliged to settle the liabilities in instalments, each instalment is allocated to the earliest period in which the Group might be obligated to settle. In the case of liabilities where instalment amounts are not fixed, the terms binding as at the reporting date have been adopted.

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM THE GROUP’S FINANCIAL LIABILITIES, EXCLUDING DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount Carrying amount
Amounts due to Central bank 9 9 9
Amounts due to banks 3 032 31 15 3 078 3 011
Amounts due to customers 273 135 29 704 11 461 24 577 7 901 346 778 339 582
Loans and advances received 47 28 1 166 1 697 2 938 2 294
Securities in issue 2 712 1 047 2 691 9 655 62 16 167 15 510
Subordinated liabilities 119 116 2 503 1 036 3 774 2 781
Lease liabilities 21 39 161 448 229 898 896
Other financial liabilities 3 481 31 81 94 3 687 3 491
Total 282 437 30 999 15 691 38 974 9 228 377 329 367 574
Off-balance sheet liabilities
financing granted 14 588 5 101 26 792 18 860 7 864 73 205
guarantees granted 519 937 4 098 4 632 2 292 12 478

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM THE GROUP’S FINANCIAL LIABILITIES, EXCLUDING DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount Carrying amount
Amounts due to Central bank 8 8 8
Amounts due to banks 3 809 20 40 3 869 3 821
Amounts due to customers 285 741 12 671 11 489 6 159 6 737 322 797 322 296
Loans and advances received 39 47 431 2 328 2 845 2 461
Securities in issue 1 089 1 795 10 185 11 443 64 24 576 23 872
Subordinated liabilities 25 62 585 2 857 3 529 2 716
Lease liabilities 20 39 193 547 255 1 054 959
Other financial liabilities 2 281 95 2 376 2 376
Total 292 987 14 597 22 400 21 157 9 913 361 054 358 509
Off-balance sheet liabilities
financing granted 12 663 4 674 24 479 16 441 10 145 68 402
guarantees granted 466 1 855 3 336 3 792 2 350 11 799

Contractual cash flows from liabilities in respect of derivative financial instruments for which the valuation as at the balance sheet date was negative (a liability) and which are settled on a gross basis

The amounts disclosed comprise non-discounted future cash flows, both in respect of principal and interest (if applicable).

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM LIABILITIES IN RESPECT OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR WHICH THE VALUATION AS AT THE BALANCE SHEET DATE WAS NEGATIVE (A LIABILITY) AND WHICH ARE SETTLED ON A GROSS BASIS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount
outflows (principal and interest) (14 567) (16 306) (16 697) (10 228) (166) (57 964)
inflows (principal and interest) 14 269 15 789 15 368 9 712 526 55 664

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM LIABILITIES IN RESPECT OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR WHICH THE VALUATION AS AT THE BALANCE SHEET DATE WAS NEGATIVE (A LIABILITY) AND WHICH ARE SETTLED ON A GROSS BASIS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount
outflows (principal and interest) (10 897) (9 528) (9 016) (15 320) (225) (44 986)
inflows (principal and interest) 10 844 9 429 9 204 14 851 623 44 951

Contractual cash flows from liabilities in respect of derivative financial instruments for which the valuation as at the balance sheet date was negative (a liability) and which are settled on a net basis

In the case of IRS and NDF transactions, non-discounted future net cash flows in respect of interest and principal have been presented and in the case of the remaining derivative instruments settled on a net basis, the amount of the valuation as at 31 December 2022 and as at 31 December 2021, respectively, was adopted as the cash flow amount.

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM LIABILITIES IN RESPECT OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR WHICH THE VALUATION AS AT THE BALANCE SHEET DATE WAS NEGATIVE (A LIABILITY) AND WHICH ARE SETTLED ON A NET BASIS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount
IRS (477) (1 655) (1 203) (268) (25) (3 628)
other derivatives: options, FRA, NDF (279) (692) (1 713) (609) (19) (3 312)

CONTRACTUAL CASH FLOWS FROM LIABILITIES IN RESPECT OF DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR WHICH THE VALUATION AS AT THE BALANCE SHEET DATE WAS NEGATIVE (A LIABILITY) AND WHICH ARE SETTLED ON A NET BASIS Up to 1 month (inclusive) 1 to 3 months (inclusive) 3 months to 1 year (inclusive) 1 year to 5 years inclusive More than 5 years Contractual amount
IRS (114) (180) (108) (470) (15) (887)
other derivatives: options, FRA, NDF (1 603) (711) (2 529) (845) (7) (5 695)

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