The Bank has a security policy in place, which also relates to the principles of digital security. The policy was approved by the Management Board in 2015. The Bank has a Cybersecurity Department which deals with:
- ensuring the security of the Bank’s IT system,
- development of systems and monitoring of cybersecurity parameters and critical services,
- servicing cybersecurity events and incidents, including the events and incidents in the area of electronic banking.
The current level of infrastructure security is the responsibility of the department director, who also supervise the Security Operations Centre (SOC). The director of the Cybersecurity Department is responsible for implementing the cybersecurity policy and for controlling cybersecurity. The Vice-President of the Management Board responsible for IT supervises the performance of these functions. The President of the Management Board oversees the implementation of the policy. In order to improve the methods of counteracting crime at the Bank, the Cybersecurity Department prepares analyses and presents the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Bank with conclusions and recommendations concerning the implementation and/or modification of specific solutions.
The monitoring of and responding to incidents are performed by the specialist CERT unit of the Bank. In order to ensure IT security of the Bank’s services, incident response operates on a 24/7/365 basis.
In 2021, the Bank implemented the project CyberSecurity Operations Centre as part of which the processes of the Cybersecurity Department were streamlined and a strategy was drawn up for providing services to the Group companies. Moreover, as part of the project a SOAR class system was implemented, which allows the servicing of security incidents to be automated. The implemented changes translated into significant improvements in the handling of alerts and incidents, which allowed to shorten the response process and influenced the mitigation of threats (in some cases even 95% – phishing service). In 2022, the PKO BP CERT team notified and blocked, in cooperation with CERT Polska and CERT Orange, more than 2,700 fake pages. Frauds were directed mainly to the electronic services and customers of the Bank, but 25% of the cases concerned frauds of a different type, which shows the contribution of the PKO BP CERT team to the overall level of ICT security in the Polish cyberspace.
CERT PKO BP is a member of an international forum of cybersecurity incident responders FIRST and belongs to the task force of European response teams (TERENA TF-CSIRT) and the related Trusted Introducer organization. It is also a leading member of the Bank Cybersecurity Centre, operating under the patronage of the Polish Bank Association.
The Bank educates its employees regularly in ICT environment security and the security of information processed in that environment. In 2022, it provided employees with new e-learning trainings, thanks to which users gained knowledge about threats related to:
- using mobile devices,
- using personal IT equipment for professional purposes and using the Bank’s equipment for private purposes,
- publication of information concerning the Bank by employees in the Internet (especially in the social media),
- social engineering attacks.
The training also provides a package of mandatory trainings for each new employee. The Bank performs training in accordance with the agreed schedule of training and monitors their performance by employees on an ongoing basis as part of independent monitoring of control mechanisms.
The awareness-raising of employees also engages a program of simulated phishing attacks launched in October 2022. The messages are sent to all persons employed in the Bank and imitate the actual risks to which users are exposed on a daily basis.
In accordance with the Bank’s policy, the principles of cybersecurity must be complied with not only by the employees but also by third parties (contractors). The Bank sets security requirements for the providers of IT services with respect to the protection of the Bank’s information, access to the Bank’s buildings and rooms, and the protection of the Bank’s information systems.
In 2022, the Security Awareness training (simulation of a phishing attack) covered all employees of the Bank (over 20,000), and a dedicated training has been conducted for the Bank’s Management Board. The Bank also operates an internal unit (RedTeam), which simulates potential attacks in a controlled manner, in order to identify weaknesses before their use by criminals.
In 2022, information within the scope of ThreatIntelligence was widely analysed in the scope of activities carried out in cyberspace related to the conflict of Russia/Ukraine, with the simultaneous imposition of threats which may materialise at the Bank. Great emphasis was placed on removing vulnerabilities, which resulted in the lowest number of vulnerabilities in the Bank’s history.